
1.台灣在地企業進口有保障·2.通過歐盟ECARF(歐洲防過敏基金會)、REACH法規認證,且擁有多項各種相關.檢測報告及1,200小時耐候性(紫外線照射)實驗考驗。通過交通大學 ...,GetyourownwebsitesustainablewithgreenUX/UIdesign.Plus,getfastloadingtimes,greatSEO,accessibilityandhappyusers.,Weworktowardsafossil-freeinternetby2030.TheGreenWebFoundationisanindependentnon-profitthattrackshowmuchoftheinternetrunsong...

60公分寬&德國56x20目GreenWeb防霾紗網多項認證防PM2 ...

1.台灣在地企業進口有保障 · 2.通過歐盟ECARF(歐洲防過敏基金會)、REACH法規認證,且擁有多項各種相關. 檢測報告及1,200小時耐候性(紫外線照射)實驗考驗。通過交通大學 ...

Green the web

Get your own website sustainable with green UX/UI design. Plus, get fast loading times, great SEO, accessibility and happy users.

Green Web Foundation

We work towards a fossil-free internet by 2030. The Green Web Foundation is an independent non-profit that tracks how much of the internet runs on green energy.

GreenWeb防霾紗窗| 良展興業

良展GreenWeb防霾紗窗2.0來自德國,紗窗表面的靜電層會將PM2.5及灰塵阻擋下來,特殊編織的紗窗網格將大型微塵顆粒阻擋於窗外。使用GreenWeb防霾紗窗,有如給房子戴上 ...

Responsible digital ecosystems and solutions

We help our clients to reduce their digital environmental footprint, through 3 main skills: #1 Sustainable IT Consulting #2 Web Eco-conception #3 Green Hosting ...

The Green Web

2020年7月17日 — With the Green Web add-on, you can see the green (or not so green) status of a website at glance, based on what kind of energy is used to ...

德國GreenWeb 銀離子抗菌防霾紗窗防霾防塵防異味防小黑蚊 ...

對付空污中隱含的的無數病菌,GreenWeb防霾紗窗是全台唯一使用銀離子抗菌技術的紗網,透過杜邦奈米技術的銀離子塗層, 銀離子和病菌接觸的瞬間,進入菌體並阻斷代謝,使其 ...


特色 · 靜電阻隔PM2.5 物理攔截灰塵 · 有效防雨水潑濺不沾灰塵易清潔 · 透視度不受影響清晰看見窗外美景 · 高透氣設計室內外氣體流通 ...